237:雪月華2003/03/18(火) 16:33
Departure -Conclusion -

♪The light of morning gold fades and a dazzling blue sky appears
♪From west,black cloud appear and the whole sky is covered
♪Stars in the whole sky end and oppose black cloud
♪Black cloud obtain lightning and tear between stars
♪Three novas drive off lightning and black cloud retreat to west
♪Stars also lose a settlement and are scattered to the whole sky
♪Black cloud are scratched out by lightning and lightning runs to an east
♪Two stars change to the sun and are located in north and the center sky
♪Although the star which became the moon goes to south sky, but it disappears by impatience.
♪Three novas which drove off lightning serve as jewelry and both wings,respectively,change to a dragon,and are located east sky
♪The north sun is the increase of a size slowly,The central sun runs about busily
♪Two new moons are produced,and the star which twinkles is held and it is located in the southern sky
♪A dragon is driven off by lightning in an east sky and stays at the sky of the central sun
♪Lightning is scratched out by the central sun and a dragon hears under the central sun about an opportunity
♪The north sun tends to take in the central sun,takes advantaging of it,and a dragon raises a male shout in the east sky
♪One of the two of the southern moon disappears,the star which twinkles supports the small moon and it is changed to a new crescent
♪Suddenly,the central sun tends to move to an east and it is going to take in a dragon
♪A dragon leaves one of the two's wings,and escapes to the basis of the north sun
♪The north sun and the central sun come into contact with,and a dazzling light is emitted
♪The dragon which left north goes to the southern sky,and obtains a tooth
♪The wings of one of the two of a dragon scratch out the light of two north stars,and leave it to the sky of the south in which a dragon is
♪The sun of haughty north loses the cause that it can shine,by the arrogance
♪It runs to the central sun after the sun which retreated to north,and it is taken in
♪The sun used as one goes to south
♪Although the clouds which should be held were obtained,the dragon which cannot obtain time takes many stars with it,and escapes to southeast
♪A new crescent unites with a dragon and sends back the sun to north by the power of the wind from southeast
♪The star which pursued the sun and which can twinkle loses light in the middle of a way,and disappears
♪A dragon goes to west sky and gains control of the ground in the twinkling of an eye
♪And the sky is divided into the sun, the moon, and a dragon.
♪Furthermore,although a dragon tends to go to north sky,a new crescent plucks off the wings of one of the two of a dragon,and it changes to half moon
♪Although the angry dragon attacks half moon,one of the two's wings are already lost by himself out of anger
♪Although the dragon which lost both of wings still goes to east sky,the shooting star which appeared suddenly breaks jewelry
♪But a dragon survives and hangs down the tail to south sky
♪The sun darkens,a sunspot appears and the size is increased gradually
♪A dragon loses a tooth,clouds and a sunspot fight it and clouds disappear in the middle of a way
♪The sun covers all dragons and attaches a dragon to eternal sleep in the sun
♪Suddenly, the sun is wrapped in the flame which blew off from the sunspot, and the sun is born again.
♪The new sun swallows the moon from west and north,and sky serves as only the sun
♪Soon,the sun sets to south and night steals near from north

-The end of beginning- 