Chronus, the vertical bearer of time ???, the horizontal flame of life The weaver of the universe uses old streams If this is the reason we call it destiny... (「時を運ぶ~」の辺り) ※神様の名前が入るような気がするのですが…
The Lord of Erebos? and the dead men's king The living terrify by the evil? god of death (「其れは冥府の支配者~」の辺り)
The everlasting silence of Thanatos His stare conveys death (「黙したまま~」の辺り)
>>8 Kronos, the vertical Vela of time. Vios, the horizontal flame of life. The weaver of the universe uses the strings. If this is the reason we call it destiny...
the lord of Hades and the undeads' king. The living terrified by the feel God of Death...
The ever lasting silent of Thanatos. His stare can face death...
リスモス and ハルモニア conceives ○ and ○(ニュクス?). メロス and ハルモニア conceives ●(イリオス?ヘリオス?) and ●. ○ and ○ conceives the relatives of ゲー(γη:大地). ● and ● conceives the relatives of サラサ(θάλασσα:海). The Moira yourself conceives □□ and finally conceives タナトス ■■
Desmos[Δεσμο?] and Harmonia[Αρμονια] Conceive ● and Nyx[Νυχ]. Melos[Μελο?] and Harmonia[Αρμονια] conceives ○ and Feggari[Φεγγαρι]. ● and Nyx[Νυχ] conceives the relatives of Ge[Γη]. ○ and Feggari[Φεγγαρι] conceives the relatives of Thalassa[θαλασσα]. The Moira yourself conceives Ouranos[Ουραν??] and finally conceives 【Thanatos[Θανατο?]】 ―― which is human.