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■ 【ヘッドホンが】聞き取れないセリフ・歌詞を全力でQ&A!【また音割れ】

33 名前:投稿 ★:2015/04/23(木) 04:21:18 0

The eye gaze from afar peeped the phenomenon.
The ones who were able to create plenty of worlds were the Laurants.
Once the wishing stars were spread all of the sky of July,
thus the different horizons were linked all one.

What has appeared with the meantime?
The unknown lady who remained unrecognized in the "Chronicle".
She is "the Nein".

The men put his heart into self defense and had a long life, but his artistic soul died.
What would people from coming ages evaluate?
What was the thing he really wanted to defend?


Where does the life begin and fade away?
The unknown lady who is staring at "Thanatos".
She is "the Nein".

The first ???, what she became unable to ??? was the ??? is the only she felt delicious.

Unhappiness is the neighbor of happiness. It surely lives next to all families.

After then, she became unable to eat seafood, eggs, dairy products, fruits, and even vegetables finally.

What could the words possibly tell the partners, who have different subjectivity?
The unknown lady who was among the "Lost".
She is "the Nein".

The history of medical care is, in another words, the history of war.
Ironically, it will accelerate.
And the ominous steps of world war come so near.

Dear John
I hope this letter finds you safe and well.
I guess you'll be very surprised to get this letter. I heard that now you live on the out island.How do you live there?I know very well that you have a strong sense of justice and you're gentle, so I surely believe everybody who lives in the island must be relying on you. It's been a long time since the last time I saw you.I don't like to say but I really got old while you became a fine doctor.
I wrote you because I have something to tell you.To be honest with you, I'd like to tell you some words that I have put in my heart and I haven't been able to tell you for a long time.

Is it real of the hatred creates only hatred?
The unknown lady who dreamed in "Elysion".
She is "the Nein".

The wind combined was cold and severe.
However, it will be difficult to break those winds within headwind.


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