「End in the darkness the didn't have a name. (終焉の闇は名前を持たない。) The story river in around,Halloween and the night. (物語の周りの川、ハロウィンと夜) Was about to be---?」#chronica
冒頭の英語は And in the darkness. the didn't have a name. そして、その名もない闇の中で The story revolve in around, Halloween and the night. そのハロウィンと夜の物語は回る Was about to begin, in a while. 間もなく始まろうとしていた だと思います。 和訳へたですみません
ハロ夜全編に渡ってのことですが、似非さんの名前はレニー・ウィズ・ザ・ナイトではないのでしょうか?? だとしたら星の綺麗な夜の主人公もおやすみレニーの方のレニーも同じ「レニー」という名前になって、 サンホラ公式サイトなどでのキャスト紹介のページに「Leny with the night」の名前があるのもうなずけるのでは…?? なぜ同じ名前なのかは、妹のケイトが消息不明となった兄を思って息子に同じ名前をつけた…とか ちょっと理由が弱い気もしますし、正直自分でも説明できてるかな…?という感じなのですが… 発売まで新しい似非さんの名前はレニーだと思っていたので、こういった結論になりました…どうでしょうか??
And in the darkness that didn't have a name The story revolving around Halloween and the night was about to begin quietly...
The story of Halloween and the night
The early 19th century there was an eccentric man who sailed from Great Britain to Ireland, as if to go against a new wave of the Industrial Revolution.
The tickets that they got were by betting their lives Were those one-way tickets for their liberty or for their death?
They dreamed of the country of liberty That principle was the cause of a great number of battlefields Like which we sing about
In 1846 the Mexican-American War broke out
In 1848 the rush for gold Yes it's gold day!
Whenever the era of frenzied uproar People never ever stop their steps even though they had much contradiction While he was messed around by severe fate Where would the man drift to?
The life that seemed to be a long, but a short story It attempts to notify the one ending or beginning
94さんからの流れを読んで、歌詞を読み返してたら、 And they were gone far away が、 なぜナレーションじゃないのか、気になった。 ここの「they」は誰を指すのか。 ナレーションのtheyなら、船に乗った人々全体を指すんだろうけど、 似非が歌うということは、別物なのかも・・・?